

Seeking guardianship of a minor or individual who cannot provide care for themselves?

At Reveles Law, we understand how difficult the intricacies of guardianship can be. Regardless of the individuals involved (whether they be children or adults unfit to care for themselves) guardianship comes down to selecting the best possible outcomes for all those involved. Court systems remain complex across most areas of law including legal guardianship which is often a highly contested process involving multiple parties with strong investments in outcomes of the case. With multiple parties involved including the individual seeking guardianship, the previous guardian of the ward, and the wards themselves, the process often involves multiple points of view that the court takes into account. Having Reveles Law represent the best interests of the guardian and ward amplifies their voice and point of view in court and is vital to reaching a fair agreement that alleviates stress and complications in such a difficult decision making process.

What can Reveles Law offer me?

Reveles Law provides an overarching view of the guardianship process from family court decisions, will planning, power of attorney documentation, and the best long term interests for all parties involved. With a decision as important as guardianship, the best option for those seeking guardianship is to have a guardianship attorney by your side to ease the difficulties involved with the process and as above, amplify your voice in court. Ultimately, an attorney reduces the hardship involved in a guardianship process faced by potential guardians and wards.